Nov 5, 2007

Marriage one liners

Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends.
You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.


Man: Is there any way for long life?
Dr: Get married.
Man: Will it help?
Dr: No, but the thought of long life will never come.


Why do couples hold hands during their wedding?
It's a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins!


A man, who surrenders when he's wrong, is Honest. A man who surrenders when not Sure, is Wise. A man who surrenders even if he's Right, is a Husband.


There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage.


There is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it.
There is only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbour has it.



